
July Special Offers

Whether it's a month full of festivals, holidays, weddings or stay-cations we've got you covered with our top-to-toe special offer this month!

June Is Acne Awareness Month

June is Acne Awareness month and we always like to take the time to focus on this skin condition because we know what a huge impact it can have.

Hair Removal Old Wives’ Tales

Ever heard that old wives tale of “don’t pluck that hair, more will grow in it’s place!”? It turns out there was quite a bit of truth to it after all.

The Science Behind Laser Hair Removal

Find out the science behind laser hair removal as we have now launched laser hair removal services available at RITUAL Skin & Beauty Clinic.

Download Our App!

Download our NEW app! With the RITUAL Skin & Beauty Clinic app booking your appointments has just become a whole lot easier...

Benefits Of Laser Hair Removal

Check out these amazing laser hair removal transformations that truly show the benefits of laser hair removal that is now available at RITUAL!

Dry or Dehydrated Skin?

Skincare experts at RITUAL Skin & Beauty Clinic in Alton and Alresford in Hampshire discuss the difference between dry and dehydrated skin.

Mindfulness Evening

Check out the amazing Mindfulness Evening we held at our Alresford clinic with the fantastic Rebecca James as our host.

The Truth About Botox

BOTOX. We’ve all heard of it. Many of us have tried it too, many more than you might realise! So let us tell you a little about what it is & how it works.

Glimmers To Make You Smile

Glimmers are the opposite of triggers... They are things that make you smile! To make you smile this week, we're sharing our glimmers.

What Are Skin Boosters?

Transform the way your skin looks and feels with skin booster treatments! But what are skin boosters? Find out all you need to know here.

Acne Causes & Treatments

Find out what causes acne and what you can do to improve your skin with some effective treatments at RITUAL Skin Clinics in Alton & Alresford