Should I Have A Chemical Peel?
You will have read about our New Medical Grade skincare line Alumier in my last blog.
RECAP: AlumierMD: skincare with active ingredients that penetrate to your DEJ (where your new skin cells are “born”) to change the formation of new skin cells. Changing your skin, and yes reversing the signs of aging for instant, dramatic and long lasting results.
Not only have Team RITUAL been using these skincare products, but we’ve also experienced the incredible AlumierMD Peel Treatment too!
This treatment effectively loosens the connections between dead skin cells inducing exfoliation and stimulating new cell growth.
The result?
Stimulates collagen production
Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
Targets sun damage, pigmented skin and open pores
Provides a smoother and more radiant complexion
Improved skin texture and tone
Strengthens the dermis and epidermal layers, long term!
If you are having our other advanced skincare treatments such as RF Collagen Lift and Microneedling, adding the AlumierMD Peel to your regime is an absolute must!
The peel increases the efficacy of collagen production when paired with microneedling, and aids with collagen recovery when paired with RF.
The treatment is £130, and includes a Home Care Kit including an AlumierMD Cleanser, Moisturiser and Sunscreen worth £35.